Fermented Carrots

Fermented foods are vital to the GAPS diet. They help provide beneficial bacteria to the gut and help to “crowd out” the bad guys. Including as many types of fermented foods as possible will help to create a vaste ecosystem in your gut. These lovely carrots are a great snack, a lovely addition to any meal and also can be used in cooking.

  • organic carrots (amount depends on size of jar)
  • 20g good quality salt (celtic, pink sea salt)
  • 1L filtered water
  • 2 tablespoons of brine from previous fermented food (any veggies, sauerkraut, beet kvass etc)

Cut carrots into small pieces that will fit in your size jar in two layers

Stack carrots tightly into jar up to the rim of the jar

Make a 2% brine by adding 20g salt to 1L water

Pour as much brine as needed over the carrots to cover, add a little brine from previous batch

Seal jar and place in a cool, dark corner for 1 week

After a week, transfer to the fridge and store for a further 2 weeks
